Pride Sucks (or why sometimes you have to ask for help just one more time)

Pride sucks because it stops us from asking for help when we really, really need it.
We promised ourselves the last time would be the last time we’d ask for that thing, that thing that we’d asked for so many times already. Whether it’s money or a visit or a favor or whatever that thing is that seems far too big to ask,
We just. can’t. ask. again
— not even just one more time.
And we desperately don’t want to have to ask. We want to be able to handle things on our own. We want to be proud of ourselves, and we want those who have helped us in the past to be proud of us too. To know that we can stand on our own two feet.
Pride sucks because
Sometimes, we need to be brave enough to ask for help anyway. No. Matter. What.
No matter what they will think.
No matter how we will feel.
We have to ask no matter what, swallowing our pride if that’s what it takes, because we matter and it matters that much.
And because sometimes the consequences of not asking are far greater than the consequences of asking, even if it’s one more time.
This sucks too, asking one more time. But odds are, even if the people you are asking hoped last time would be the last time too, they’ll be really glad you asked again.
Because it matters that much to you and you matter that much to them.
- What aren’t you asking for help with because you are too prideful? Too afraid?
- Is it possible that the consequences of not asking could be greater for you than the consequences of asking?
- I would really love to hear from you on this one, as I am currently experiencing something personally that prompted this post. For me, pride got in the way of someone I love asking for help, one more time, and now he’s suffering the consequences. And it breaks my heart.

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