Being Thankful for Each New Day

When I thought of you today and what I might like to share with you, I was thinking about
How thankful I am for the chance to continually reinvent and refine myself
– to learn more and more about myself and live more and more authentically to my true self, in my whole truth.
I hope during this time of Thanksgiving, you have something, many things, that you are thankful for.
Take some time to know who you are — and to be thankful for who you are, to learn what makes you tick, to look at how you want your life to be and who you want to show up as in that life. It is SO worth it to get life “right” from the start. You know, to know who you are, what matters to you, and to create a life that is 100% true to you.
And remember that, no matter what…
No matter how many choices you make that don’t go your way,
No matter how many times you hide who you really are just to be accepted,
No matter what…
With each new day, you have the chance to start anew,
to take your life in a more authentic direction,
to reinvent, redirect and refresh.
Take this opportunity – every day – to make it your best day yet!!
Keep it real and keep your eyes open to possibility!!

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